Login to the manager dashboard and add e-mails and contact info for your team's parents & fundraising supporters!

In order to utilize the platform efficiently and effectively, Square Fundraising managers are encouraged to register for an account through PayPal or Venmo to send/receive funds for your fundraiser. Please note that at no time does Square Fundraising ever collect or process payments - that is the responsibility of team management. The good news, is that with an online vendor account - we make it easy.

For each fundraiser, managers will have the option to contact participants directly to inquire about payment - and keep a public log of who has paid (and not paid - BOO!). Each and every participant will see the payment status of their peers, which in and of itself is an effective means to encourage timely payments!

With payments just a click away, managers will avoid the aggravation of chasing after participants for cash payments, checks by mail, and other outdated methods.